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Pretty Pink PoniesTM (aka "3P") is a Los Angeles-based brand that champions the success and accomplishments of professional women in all phases of their careers and lives.

3PTM was inspired by an image inside a vintage children's book at USC's Institute For Multimedia Literacy where Meg Gomez served as a Peer Mentor.

The image of young girls holding hands playing in a garden was a sentiment Meg described as "Pretty Pink Ponies".

According to Meg, "The phrase captured the essence of the illustration. The picture resonated with me deeply and reminded me of my own childhood. Pretty Pink Ponies -I can't say this phrase without smiling. It brings many fond memories to life.

The image and name remained in the back of my mind even after graduating from college and well into my full time job working in giant corporate banks.
The phrase and image were deeply sentimental. A special place that always reminded me of the carefree and innocent playfulness of being a young girl."

My Pretty Pink Ponies

After almost ten years in the workforce, Meg discovered she had a need for intellectual stimulation, professional development and projects that stretched her talents. With all the chaos in the economy and the turmoil within the financial services industry, companies were focused on preservation and survival more than developing their talent.
To satisfy her need to develop, Meg spent time working on projects outside her company to challenge and expose herself to opportunities to learn. She enjoyed working closely with the nonprofit organization, Dress For Success, where she served on several committees, and represented the women's advocate group as a brand ambassador and spokesperson.
In addition, Meg continued what she learned at USC by communicating through digital and online vehicles. In April 2011, the first 3P blog was created,
The first 3P blog paralleled Meg's interests in assisting women who were trying to develop themselves professionally. Along with help from many of her friends, the MP3 blog focused on topics women in her shoes dealt with: career, relationships, shopping, fitness, beauty and Gen Y musings.
Meg and the Pretty Pink Ponies bloggers continued to reach out to young professional women organizations (85 Broads, Dress For Success, etc...) in an effort to connect and provide a supportive network for one another.
Within six months, 3P gained recognition by several women's leadership groups, professional organizations and brands as a top online personality and brand.

​Social Media

After discovering her passion for and commitment to professional women's development, Meg decided to pursue an entrepreneurial avenue ending the financial services industry chapter of her life.
As a brand, Pretty Pink Ponies gained more and more recognition for its personality and rapid rate by which the brand's recognition grew on Twitter. In less than six months, 3P was mentioned and promoted by brands such as, Catalyst Inc., Harvard Business Review,, Ann Taylor, Sit At The Table, et cetera...and continues to grow.

At its tenth month in existence, the 3P brand has reached over 1500 followers on Twitter, approx. 35K visits to the first blog, has become a regular participant and guest in top weekly Twitter chat groups and communities and has a following on social media platforms such as:

Made For Women Mag

and various blogs...

The "brand with no product" continues to grow in recognition – especially among communities of women online.



With her passion for preserving local businesses owned by women, 3P has agreed to serve as a digital brand strategist for a few local stores and services.

Under Meg's leadership, 3P has successfully personified brands online and interacted with clients, followers and partners on behalf of organizations to reinforce and solidify online presence across various social media channels for independent and niche names.
Currently, the 3P brand is in partnership with The American Heart Association helping cast a wider online audience for the AHA's campaign, "Go Red For Women", to educate the community about heart disease as a leading cause of death for American women.

"The transition from corporate America in such a short time is an overwhelming, albeit exciting process."
It is Meg's goal to connect young women with positive and successful women role models via her company, Pretty Pink Ponies.
Created on 3/17/12 7:26 PM

Our Story

Copyright 2022, No animals were harmed in the making

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